Thursday Noah starts Kindergarten. Yay! Noah has been looking forward to Kindergarten since the middle of last year. He likes to practice "his work" at home and tells Isaiah about all the writing and projects he gets to do. We are so excited for him especially since a few months ago we were thinking he was not going to be able to go due to his seizures. Praise God that he is doing so well. It would have been heartbreaking to tell him otherwise.
Kindergarten is going to be so good for Noah and at the same time we are sure it is going to be difficult. He will be having snack as well as lunch there along with his other 11 classmates. This means 11 birthdays and 11 birthday cakes that Noah will have to miss out on as well as holiday treats and daily sitting next to his classmates with all of their "non-diet" food. Noah is such a trooper and we know he will do great but seeing other food is really a struggle for him.
We have to daily remind ourselves how amazing Noah is doing on his "miracle diet". It is so easy to get wrapped up in all the hard work and feeling sad for Noah and all the things he ends up missing out on. God is so good and we continually need to count our blessings. We are so thankful this won't be a lifetime diet and we have already made it through our first summer.
Thank you again for all your love, support, and especially prayers!